The Universe in Mind - Dr. Chris Baddiley

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I am retired, currently renovating a new property ideal for astronomy. I still give public lectures on astrophysics, relativity and cosmology.

Hons. Physics BSc from Newcastle University doctorate from Imperial College London, on Infrared astronomy instrumentation. At Royal Observatory Edinburgh and worked on a multi object spectrograph Univ. Manchester astronomy Dept. worked on a Fabry Perot interferometer, designed built and used infrared photometer systems.
At RSRE / DERA / QinetiQ senior scientist for very successful infrared camera for a US defence satellite.
Consultant physicist to the imaging modelling centre on imager performance modelling projects, unique camera performance predication programs.
Was an associate lecturer for the OU Astronomy course
Ran own course at WT.College for 11 years. Computer realisation of astrophysical phenomena- The Universe in 4D talk remains very popular. He formerly ran evening class courses.
Invitations to give talks all over the country.
He continues his work on astro-imaging, and builds instruments related to this.
Founder member of the Worcester Astronomical Society some 25 years running, still contributing. Webcam for astronomy imaging group, and the astro-spectral imaging group.
Committee member of the British Astronomical Association Campaign for Dark Skies, often speaking on light pollution issues. Written a mathematical model of skyglow linked to industry standard luminaire photometry data, for comparing light pollution skyglow from different designs, and making many predictions. Influenced the Highways Agency. Presented at many European conferences. A summary of this Towards Understanding Skyglow, was published by the Institution of Lighting Engineers in 2007 as their official reference guide. Caused new thinking in road lighting design and standards. In 2008 this model was adopted by the North American lighting industry (IESNA). Recipient of the Galileo award for outstanding technical contributions to European Dark Skies.


Infrared Camerras, astrophysics, light pollution limitation, mathematical modelling and realisation, physics in depth insight, innovative thinking, public lectures

A Potted History

Born in Cambridge 1947

Early years in Stockholm, South London, Boston, then from 7, Newcastle upon Tyne.

1955-1966 Royal Grammar School, Newcastle upon Tyne.

1966-1969 University of Newcastle upon Tyne B.Sc. Physics

1969-1973 Imperial College, London Univ. Ph.D. On Infrared Instrumentation Astronomy, 1975

Fellow of Royal Astronomical Society.
Member of the Institute of Physics, and the Hereford and Worcester committee.
Member of British Astronomical Association.
And British Science Association.

1969-1973 Imperial College, London Univ. Infrared Instrumentation Astronomy
1973-1975 Royal Observatory, Edinburgh. Designer A.A.T Multi-Object Spectrograph.
1975-1978 Univ. Manchester Astronomy Dept Spectral camera, scanners, I.R. photometer.

"Every particle in the universe affects every other particle, however faintly or obliquely. Everything interconnects with everything." -Douglas Adams